Tuesday 5 March 2013

I'm going to University!

A few weeks back now I was invited to an interview down at Falmouth University for a potential place studying a BA Hons in Fashion Photography, something I have wanted to do ever since I found out that Falmouth had this course. I was put into a group with three other interviewees and two girls who are already on the course now and we were shown around the campus until our interview at 12pm. Everything was really casual and informal which made the whole experience a lot more relaxing. The facilities at the University were unbelievable and the accommodation was really modern and clean. The interview was a lot like speed dating; you remain seated and two lecturers and two second year students move round and ask you quick fire questions for five minutes. They then have a flick through your portfolio and ask you a few questions about your photographs and then you leave your work there for them to assess it once you leave. Well two days later (minus the weekend) in the evening I got an email from UCAS saying something had changed on my application and after much preparation and deep breaths I discovered I got an unconditional!! I immediately confirmed it as my firm choice and will be starting on the 23rd September 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am also deeply considering Falmouth and will be applying to the BA Fashion Photography program in a few months now. How do you like the school? When I found the program it sounded absolutely perfect. It was the only school I could find with a specific program for FP, even in America there isn't anything like it. Please let me know your opinion on everything!
